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Yogacarya Georgios Demetriades

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Raising the Global Consciousness

In anticipation of the new year, it gives me great hope and a sense of auspicious expectancy to consider the collective of humanity and its thirst for spiritual knowledge. As we enter into a new era of dramatic changes, both spiritually and materialistically, with a balanced state of mental alertness, at last, we have a chance to clear the slate by applying the time-tested teachings of Yoga to our everyday lives. This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity.


The 'YOGA CAN' strategy for 2024

The Hiranya Mandala School of Yoga Integration and Meditation launches its 'YOGA CAN' initiative which is aimed at and encourages young people to transform their lives through an integral and simple approach to Yoga in tandem with leading a life of balance, recreation and self-control. 

It proposes that, for optimum well-being, due to every human child, the golden middle path be followed avoiding the extremes of spirituality and materiality respectively. This is especially pertinent as we see the ever-increasing degradation of moral values in children who constitute the life blood and continuity of society. It starts with our children and how to safeguard them from temptations and evil company by equipping them with the techniques proffered by the sages of India. It’s time to show our youth that there are superior spiritual ways of deriving soul-stirring bliss without recourse to the usual alcoholism, drug abuse and rampant promiscuity which, oftentimes, is perceived as a “right of passage”. Children need not succumb to peer pressure. If, perchance, they were invested with the wisdom-engendering Yoga practices, they would be less inclined to fall into evil ways. They would effectively bypass the evil actions and their effects, and save themselves from suffering unnecessarily. 

For all intents and purposes, I have produced a series of logos, under the Hiranya Mandala School of Yoga’s brand identity, which are fun, bright and attractive to a younger audience. The logo depicts boys and girls in yogasanas superimposed over colourful typography, brought into focus by two parentheses on either side, evocative of the Digital Age and its emphasis on technology. They can also be superimposed over photos, as in the above example. The word 'yoga' takes centre stage below which different slogans, depending on specific requirements, alternate their letter forms in tints of the same hue, or even totally different colours. The logo evokes Yoga’s transforming potential, even in the setting of the twenty-first century. These will be used in our advertising campaigns to attract children to our Yoga offering.

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In closing, I would like to remind you that the Hiranya Mandala School of Yoga Integration and Meditation has a new home. We are running regular Hatha Yoga and Kriya Yoga meditation lessons, workshops, retreats, the ISHTA Yoga Teacher Training and IGCSE Sanskrit courses, etc and there’s more on the way. The school leapt from 2022 to 2023, and the stage is set for it to grow further in 2024. I am totally invested in the school and its offering and looking forward to aiding you on your quest for physical, mental and spiritual development. It’s absolute bliss!

In teaching Yoga for over a decade, I have learnt many valuable lessons the hard way. I like to think that, in all humility, it is due to this that sets my school apart from other Yoga schools. As mentioned, I am on my way to becoming a Vedic pandit and this will bring with it a fresh way I deliver lessons. 

In ancient times, India was the world teacher, and it is happening again. Let Hiranya Mandala School of Yoga Integration and Meditation be a conduit through which these timeless teachings flow into people’s lives.


Hari OM Tat Sat

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