The foundation of our school combines the physical with the inner emotional and spiritual journey. By integrating body, breath, movement, and meditative awareness, we promote awareness of the interdependency of all these aspects in personal health and well-being. At Hiranya Mandala School of Yoga Integration and Meditation, we use our extensive training and in-depth understanding of the human body and psyche to teach and cultivate awareness of one’s own practice and life process. The 500-HR ISHTA Yoga Teacher Training Course exposes the prospective student to the sciences of Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Tantra and Ayurveda, and gives him/her the opportunity to integrate these practically into his/her daily life. ISHTA Yoga teacher trainees are also taught the Sanskrit alphabets vital for comprehension of the subject matter including correct pronunciation of the Sanskrit nomenclatures, and intonation of the mantras used in spiritual practices.
This course would suit those people who desire to teach Yoga as either a purely physical process or a spiritual process, or a combination of these. It will also benefit people who struggle with physical, mental and spiritual afflictions, by encouraging a systematic process of introspective self-analysis in an attempt to ascertain, understand and clarify the underlying causes of these disturbances. In this way, the student of Yoga not only regains well-being but, also, becomes better prepared as a teacher to assist others in an understanding of the subtle nuances and intricacies of spiritual life. This course is also suited to those who desire to learn the fundamentals of the aforesaid systems of knowledge purely for their own self-enrichment and growth, and not to necessarily teach. This course is also available online for those who are unable to attend in-person.
1. Philosophy
2. Hatha Yoga techniques including yogasanas, pranayama, karana, mudra and yoga nidra
3. Raja Yoga meditation techniques
4. Anatomy for Yoga practitioners
5. Mantra Tantra and Yantra
6. Ayurveda for Yoga practitioners including doshas, malas, pranas, agnis, srotas, diet, etc.
1. The submission of a one-page essay about what Yoga means to you, what Yoga's ultimate purpose is, and why you feel drawn to teaching ISHTA Yoga.
2. Prior Yoga practice (including self-practice) of at least 2 years (this is non-negotiable).
3. A completed registration form obtainable from the school.
4. Must have a matric certificate (at least 18 years of age).
5. English as a first language (teaching medium is English).
6. A non-refundable deposit paid upfront.
The 500-HR ISHTA Teacher Training course starts on 1 February 2025 and ends on 28 February 2026.
​The course takes twelve months to complete, and requires the completion of 500 hours of study, as follows:
200 hours = Lectures occur every Saturday and every last Thursday of the month
100 hours = Self practice
40 hours = Teaching methodology
30 hours = Ayurveda
30 hours = Anatomy and physiology
100 hours = Homework
Each student will receive two course books at the first meeting. You will also receive an associate membership with the Yoga Teacher's Fellowship of South Africa, during 2025, with the option of joining permanently after your studies. Upon successful completion of the course, the candidate will receive a certificate, and the title of ISHTA Yoga Teacher. The course is accredited through the Yoga Teachers Fellowship (YTF) of South Africa, and is recognised internationally in Europe, South Africa, USA and Australia. For the duration of the course, students will also receive full access to all classes and workshops (except yoga retreats), offered by the Hiranya Mandala School of Yoga, at no additional charge.
Please make sure that you submit the required documents timeously.
• A non-refundable deposit of R8000 is payable upfront, and must accompany your registration, irrespective of whether one pays for the full amount upfront or decides to pay via a payment plan. This amount will be deducted from the overall fee of course.
• The course costs R32000.
• The full amount (minus the deposit of R8000) may be paid over the twelve-month period (R2000 per month). The course must be paid in full by the end of February 2026.