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The emblem of the Hiranya Mandala School of Yoga Integration and Meditation has an eightfold symbolism which has its origins in the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda Giriji, and designed by Yogacarya
Georgios Demetriades:

Element 1_hm.png

The circle is a symbol of continuity and unity. It acts as a container that unites the various elements of the emblem. On a deeper level, it signifies the One Simplicity that holds the ideational potentialities for life within Itself, and their multifarious and multitudinous expressions. Conversely, and in the same way, the multiplicity of energies and consciousness in the multiverse have the potential of merging into, and becoming one with, the “One Formless Verity.”

Element 2_hm.png

This element comprising 3 circles, rotated on its axis - clockwise - represents the 3 modes (triguna) of undistorted Nature (Mula/Para-Prakrti): activating force (sattva guna), neutralising force (rajo-guna) and distorting force (tamo-guna). The Sanskrta word guna is defined, literally, as “a strand of a cord or rope”. These cords, which bind the soul
to materiality, must be transcended by the yogin through the Yoga practice (sadhana).

Element 3_hm.png

This element comprising 3 circles, rotated on its axis - anti-clockwise - represents the 3 aspects of action (karma): (1) actions performed in a former birth with their corollary effects in the present time (prarabdha karma), (2) actions performed in one’s current birth (kriyamana karma) with their respective results in the present, (3) present actions that give rise to future births (agamin karma). These must be transcended by the yogin through the Yoga sadhana.

Element 4_hm.png

The preceding two elements conjugate to form the corolla of a lotus (padmam). The lotus has always been used, throughout the ages, in India, as a metaphor for spiritual growth/evolution. The lotus of spirituality grows up out of the abysmal mud of primordial darkness or ignorance, and unfolds in the light of spiritual transcendence.

Element 5_hm.png

The golden sphere, in its totality, represents the Cosmic Vibration of OM/AUM, the Pranava Shabda, that gives rise to the creation. It also stands for time (kala), space (desha) and atom/particle (anu/patra) which are categories of phenomenal existence and have their origin in the Illusive Force (Maya) itself - the Pranava Shabda, aforesaid - and which are transcended by the yogin through the Yoga Knowledge (Vidya).
In the western scriptures Cosmic Vibration is referred to as the "Holy Ghost", the "Word", "Gabrielle's
Trumpet", and/or "Amen."

Element 6_hm.png

The blue orb signifies the Cosmic Intelligence (Kutastha Caitanya) of Spirit (Paramatman), immanent in vibratory creation. It is the Omniscient Feeling of love, the Attraction (Premabhijam Chit) which draws all minor forms of energy and consciousness back to the One, and which guides Cosmic Vibration (OM/AUM) to create “according to the perfect pattern of God.”
In the western scriptures Cosmic Intelligence is referred to as the "Son of God."

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The pentagonal white star signifies the Cosmic Conciousness (Brahman Caitanyam) of Spirit (Paramatman), beyond vibratory creation. According to Adi Shankaracarya it is defined as the “Ever-Existing, Ever-Conscious, Ever-New Bliss” or “Sat-Chit-Ananda”.

Each point of the star also represents one of the five elements (panca mahabhutas/mahatattvas) of Nature (Prakrti) that comprise the human body in various combinations and permutations: earth (kshiti/prthvi), water (apas), fire (tejas), air (prana/vayu/pavana), ether (akasha/vyoma).

In the western scriptures Cosmic Consciousness is referred to as "God the Father."

Element 8_hm.png

The pictogram in its totality, represents the Eye of Shiva, or the Third Eye, seen during deep ecstatic
(samadhi) meditation.

In the western scriptures it is known as the symbolic "dove descending from heaven", or the "star in the East."

It is said by masters of Yoga that, when the yogi's consciousness and life force penetrate the triune lights, he achieves Cosmic Consciousness or unity with Spirit beyond vibratory creation.

"Firmly holding the spine, neck, and head erect and motionless, let the yogi focus his eyes at the starting place (the spot between the two eyebrows); let him not gaze around in various directions." - Bhagavad Gita 6:13

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." - Matthew 6:22

"And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light." - Revelation 22:4 - 5

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